16 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The preview on netflix on how the man hiding in the laundry basket inside the lift, gritting teeth and trying with all his might not to fart is enough to raise my curiosity about this K-drama. A little bit of context: The main actress is the housekeeping and the man is in the laundry basket and there is a police officer inside the lift. She was trying to hide the man from the police and the man keep making some farts apparently from some stomach discomfort. She kicked the laundry basket in an attempt to tell him not to do it, and he tried. The police officer was showing her the picture of him asking her some questions, and this is when he cannot hold it anymore and made the biggest farting noise and thus filled the air with his stench. The awkward face on the police and the main actress is priceless!

Before attempting to watch this k-drama I yawned at all the top k-drama like crash landing on you, what is wrong with secretary kim after watching some bits and pieces of it. Apparently those are the korean dramas in trend right now, but to me it doesn't even hold my interest. So this apparently make revolutionary love a DIAMOND IN THE ROUGH.

What is not to like? the comedy is top-notch, the acting is unbelievably good, the settings, the way they shoot the film, the places they shoot the scene, the storyline, its the best I ever seen in a k-drama. I will even put this k-drama up there with some of the best tv series like money heist, himym, friends, etc.

Besides the comedy, there are some truths in the korean upper class vs the lower class people that just warms your heart in their struggles to fit into society. The upper class live the life like kings while the have-nots are easily discarded when they reach a certain age.

That said there are many exaggerations in the plot of course since this is after all a K-drama like how they keep bumping into the same people on a random street or place over and over again? And the people they bump into, their friends happen to be again someone you were involved with. However if you are willing to overlook this unrealistic coincidental meetings and enjoy the show, I can guarantee the good far outweigh the bad. Even the songs produced for the tv series is top notch and suits the show like a glove.

Granted when I write this review I am only on episode 12 out of 16, but there is not a single episode which I found it is quite boring or that maybe I should fast-forward the scene. No each episode and every single minute of it is enjoyable, with funny scenes, romantic scenes, heart-warming scenes of some small victories of the struggling working class. This drama is so good that this will probably the only k-drama I will bother to sign up on IMDB and write a review on, that despite not having watched it to the end! That is how good it is!

I think even after I finished watching the whole series I will probably play the tv series songs on my spotify, which I already am doing. This korean drama is so perfect that if you don't even watch K-drama like me, this is the only one you should watch because it will blow your mind away that a k-drama can be this good.
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