A film that makes an audience give in to choosing a side concept that would not be conventional in view of what has been common for our entity since our beginnings.
20 September 2020
Who would stop at a mental hospital to avoid the penalty of imprisonment? This change in direction of the story alters the lives of the characters and has a great impact on the film, making a memorable narrative among one of the best. In this film the intriguing relationship between a violent criminal with a depressive stutterer, with a nervous man, with a lovely crazy man and with a great dumb and shrewd man, makes us question whether the people inside could survive in the real world, making the idea of a perfect world possibly in a reflection of the hospital where there is madness and chaos. As the film progresses, some patients learn to have self-control of their problems defined as diseases and delay by specialists. The stranger in the nest allows patients to have a new perspective and experience of the outside world, different from the experiences they have obtained since their birth accompanied by traumas and colds, which counters the professional thinking that is gradually seen by the public as stagnant. One of the best aspects of this film is the accuracy of the time period. At each cut we observe different types of therapy and medicines being tested on patients to make them more acceptable to society, but a problem always happens next, unlike the cuts where we see their socialization with the stranger in the nest, who then it always generates satisfying laughter, bringing more questions that follow with the tenuous line of thought in relation to the idea of perfect society and insane people not acceptable. Regardless of whether the characters are sick or not and with the final events that are worrying and that makes us unsure about the authenticity of the arbitrary proposal of the story, the film in which it brings great uncertainties puts us in front of a new conception, which is something that exists in a few films, making it a wonderful and exceptional work, which makes the public give in to choosing a side concept that would not be the conventional one in view of what is common for our entity since our beginnings.
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