23 September 2020
I watched this film immediate after watching the original for the first time, so both films are fresh in my mind. I thought this film was boring until about the halfway point. After that point, things really turned themselves around and became enjoyable.

Although I found it boring initially, I would like to point out that I was utterly impressed with Sean Comb's acting. I've seen him in other things, most noticeably Monster's Ball, but I don't remember that performance. In this film, he came off as a believable hardcase of a drug kingpin. He was almost sociopathic in his delivery, but he also provided me with the few laughs in the film, such as whenever he would interact with his driver.

Jay Hernandez also did a good job at sounding like Al Pacino's version of the same character.

Other than that, this film just rehashes tired tropes of the gangster genre. It was enjoyable, but it was largely unoriginal. I also didn't like how there wasn't any real consistency amongst the characters.
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