Electric Dreams (2017–2018)
Episodes that can stand the test of time . . .
26 September 2020
I recall having watched these a few years ago, but just now had the opportunity to see them again. Some here have commented on the sometimes precarious efforts to reconstruct stories into film, but I ventured into these episodes with no such comparative reference in mind, I simply wanted to experience them as stand alone events. Well crafted, each one of these has their own unique story and setting, the most intriguing perhaps being the Commuter, but Crazy Diamond and Real Life are very close seconds. Glimpses into the future presented as backdrops for the actual stories, but were not intended to flood these productions with obsessive CGI content. These are very much human stories, that happen to occur in somewhat different timescapes, episodes that very likely stand the test of time, being just as compelling years ahead into the future as they are now. Some of these productions may have been a little bit over the top delivering their political message (Kill All Others and Real Life being the most extreme), but eerily relevant today, given current political climate and chaos that is fomenting around us. In any case, this is one of those rare moments when I offer 10 out of 10, and then some. This is not big crash bang action CGI sci-fi . . . not even remotely. If that happens to be your usual style of interest, you might be disappointed. But if something more thought provoking, wrapped around characters and circumstances that one can connect with, sci-fi for adults as it were, these episodes are very much worth the time to experience them.
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