I . . . can't believe I liked this
11 October 2020
I rented this movie thinking "Oh, fun, so bad it's good!" and was prepared to bail after the pre-title sequence. I'm glad I stuck with it, though, because this movie is a ton of fun. It's gleefully smutty, of course, but it delivers on all its promises. It feels like a bunch of Asbury Park NJ roller-derby girls got together and decided to make a horror movie--and I mean that in the nicest way possible.

Horror comedies always walk a fine line: one step too far and they become too self-aware or outright unfunny and dull. Here, the actors look like they're having such a blast, and they deliver their lines with such gusto, that it's hard not to belly-laugh. Some of the running gags are great: I especially liked Stoya, the stern-faced Russian girl who is always subtitled despite speaking clear English.

Yes, the movie does become blatantly self-aware at one point and maybe goes a bit too far in justifying its own existence, but as a fan of bad movies, I can appreciate its earnestness.
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