Criminal Minds: Ashley (2018)
Season 14, Episode 8
"The ache for home lives in all of us, the safe place we can go as we are and not be questioned"
10 November 2020
The idea of the story for "Ashley" sounded great and had the makings for a creepy and sad episode. Did worry that it would be just another variation of a 'Criminal Minds' child abduction episode (i.e. Season 9's "Gabby", one of the few great episodes from that season), but wasn't worried too much because the show showed more than once that it could do child abduction episodes very well indeed with "Gabby" indeed being one of the finest examples (and "What Fresh Hell").

"Ashley" wasn't quite an outstanding episode (and 'Criminal Minds' did show more than once that it could be outstanding), and actually was close to being before it ran out of steam at the end. It was though to me a very good one and as far as the inconsistent Season 14 goes it is easily one of the best episodes and the best since "The Tall Man". Also a good example of that 'Criminal Minds' does child abduction episodes well, and actually to me it's one of the creepier ones that the show did.

Production values-wise, there is nothing to complain about with "Ashley". Very slick and appropriately eerie, the opening really does unsettle and puts one at unease once one realises what is about to happen. The music also adds to the unsettlement without over-emphasising it and doesn't overuse it either. The direction lets things breathe while also keeping the drama alert and without losing the atmosphere.

Its one of the best written episodes of the season, with dialogue that provokes thought and doesn't get predictable, saccharine, simplistic or over-complicated. There is also a sense of urgency. Loved how unpredictable the story was, how it seemed standard at first glance, where one thinks "oh no not another over-familiar 'Criminal Minds' episode with un-fresh story tropes", and then threw surprise after surprise all the way through to the climax in regard to why the unsub is doing what they do and what the significance is.

Once again, the team interaction is great. Love Rossi here and his subplot is not soap-operatic or tonally jarring, like some personal life subplots on the show can be, and Tara is the most interesting she was for the season up to this halfway stage. The acting is great from lead and supporting.

Not everything works. Did not like JJ's uncharacteristic rudeness and indifference towards Reid, every fan knows he rambles but JJ is not usually like that towards him.

Was not crazy about the climax either, which had a ran out of time feel and there was a change of heart that was just too abrupt and left-field to be buyable, especially given the nature of his previous actions.

Bottom line, very good and nearly great. 8/10
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