Roman Empire (2016–2019)
The Detractor's Reviews Are Based Upon Flawed History.
8 December 2020
So while the History buff's can write scathing reviews regarding the accuracy of these "Drama-mentories" I think some context is in order. Much of what has survived this period, known as "primary sources" in academia, are themselves at best interpretations (and at worst overt sensationalist rubbish); think Tacitus vs Heroditus. Many modern history books and works regarding this period, at best, can only interpret the interpretations of what has survived. What I'm saying is that our ONLY sources for some of these "facts"are themselves unreliable entertainment of actual events and figures.

So, before you dump all over Netflix for taking dramatic license and adding new interpretations to what was missing from the accounts....perhaps you should consider that the accounts themselves had dramatic license. So many reviewers that would come off as educated reviews slamming this work do so from flawed sources themselves. It's all very ironic.

I think the Bible said it best, " First, remove the beam out of your own eye, and then you can see clearly to remove the speck out of your brother's eye."

But that being said, the acting was passable, at best. I did enjoy the series but I would've preferred the acting to be of a higher calibre. All said, it's not unwatchable or in enjoyable. You simply have to remember that it's fictional in many regards.
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