Miracles for everyone!!!
19 December 2020
The Christmas Candle (2013) -

I loved how completely different this film is from the other Seasonal Specials out there and I loved the message that it was trying to send. Don't wait 25 years for a miracle for yourself, when you could be the miracle someone else needs.

So while the candle was a magic idea, the sense of community that the Reverend Richmond (Hans Matheson) built was a far greater power.

It's more of the idea previously explored in 'A Christmas Carol'. How long is the chain you have forged in life? Could you make it shorter by visiting an elderly relative or giving items to a food bank? The small things count as much as the big ones, especially if you do lots of the them and it's like Julie Andrews said in her song 'The Secret Of Christmas' - "It's not the things you do at Christmas, but the Christmas things you do all year through" and that's exactly what the reverend was saying in this film regardless of the miracle candle.

What I also enjoyed about this one was that, despite it centring on a reverend new to a very religious parish, where they all had faith in a candle allegedly sent by God, it wasn't overly religious in the usual God-Bothery, Bible-Bashing way. Yes faith was discussed, but as I've mentioned above, the message of loving one another was the prominent one, even the Nativity and such are hardly explored.

There were some religious elements that I did find odd and I didn't understand why he couldn't give comfort to the sick man. I could only assume that he was having a crisis of faith in that moment?

If I could change anything about this film, which was otherwise relatively well cast, it would be Susan Boyle. There is no denying that the woman does have the voice of an Angel, but I couldn't be sued for libel for saying that she can't act for toffee and it was actually a bit cringey to watch her try.

There were some great actors working here though, that probably don't get the credit they're really due. Samantha Barks for one and James Cosmo for another. She was effortless and he must be one of the hardest working men in the biz. If you haven't seen him in 'All The Queen's Men' (2001) it's definitely worth a watch.

John Hannah did the great job he always has too.

I watch it every Christmas and each year I find more to love about it.

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