Not sure what to think about this one...
6 January 2021
Something feels inauthentic in how this is presented. Many scenes are set up in a way where information they receive seems too convenient. There are a lot of cuts, a lot of things that are said to have happened but weren't caught on camera, but we are expected to believe.

That said, I don't doubt how corrupt and disgusting the soviet system was and how that has in some ways continued to exist into the current day. This documentary just feels a bit unfocused and really tries to rely on a conspiracy theory for which not enough evidence is provided (though it is reasonable to assume that this evidence has been thoroughly covered up by the powers that be). There could be truth to it, or it could all be made up for sensationalism. It's hard to say.

The film could have benefited from focusing more on the details of the presenter's family history where his grandparents were sent to the gulags, the terrible things that happened to them and the various mass starvations caused by the soviet regime. It's in the film, but I feel it should have been elaborated upon much more. This could have then been shown in parallel to the fairly recent 2014 protests in Ukraine that resulted in deaths of hundreds of those protesters (which is really the most impactful element of the film, other than a few suspicious answers given during some of the interviews). The idea in the film that remnants of the Soviet Union are still alive and well and continue to be responsible for ongoing atrocities is a valid and important one to get across. I just don't think it was handled particularly well.

Even the official story of what happened at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant, acknowledged by the Russian government, shows how incompetent and reprehensible the government was in their handling of the disaster. The film probably would have been taken more seriously and overall been more effective if they looked at things from this angle.

The Soviet Union and any government today, really, are without a doubt unworthy of trust. But I'm just not entirely convinced that I should trust the makers of this film, either.

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