Criminal Minds: Saturday (2020)
Season 15, Episode 4
A day in the lives of the BAU
26 January 2021
Changes of pace from the usual formula don't ususually bother me. Never have expected a show to be strict to any formula at any time. As long as any change of pace is done well and isn't done in too different a day, hopefully being interesting rather than cheesy. Was really hoping for an improvement when watching "Saturday" slowly working my way through Season 15, having been underwhelmed by the previous three episodes where the quality got worse with each episode.

Luckily, although the episode will and has divided fans, "Saturday" for me was a big improvement and not only the best Season 15 episode up to this early point (being the only above average one) but also one of the best episodes of the season, one of the few good ones even in my view. It is not perfect or one of the best episodes, but "Saturday" turned out to be a lot better than anticipated and is to me one of the few Season 15 episodes worth watching actually and a huge improvement over "Spectator Slowing". Being somebody who was overall rather disappointed in the season.

"Saturday" is not perfect and it is actually easy to see it is divisive. Would have liked to have seen more of the case, which was diverting enough with the standout scene being the very creepy opening but not focused upon enough.

Alexi's introduction was for my tastes too abrupt and doesn't add an awful lot. Also Simmons' subplot wasn't as interesting or as illuminating as the others and the writing in it is at times on the soapy side.

However, it was very interesting and refreshing to have a change of pace once in a while. People will, and do, feel that "Saturday" doesn't feel like a 'Criminal Minds' episode and feels like filler, but to me actually "Saturday" was a case of a change of pace done well, entertaining and affectionately. Loved what it did with the characters, who all shine in their own way and this is one of the few Season 15 episodes where all were nicely developed in a way that illuminated and almost as interesting as each other (only reservation is with Simmons).

Most of the subplots did work. The one that grabbed me the most and was the most emotionally investable was Reid's, closely followed by the humorous one of Prentiss which sees a different side to her. There are a lot of funny, thoughtful and heart-warming lines with some smile-worthy exchanges throughout. For example Rossi's line about conspiracy theorists, vintage Rossi, made me laugh out loud. It is a well made episode visually, with the music fitting well and all the lead performances are great.

Concluding, worth watching and for me, despite being a change of pace, it was one of the better episodes of a final season that didn't mostly do the show justice. 7/10
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