Clarice (2021)
The Silence of The Hannibals
15 February 2021
This is a laughably anemic CBS money grab for a movie they couldn't even get all the rights to, and that being said it's about as good or bad as expected. I can't begin to fathom how someone would greenlight a Silence of The Lambs project without the rights to even mention Hannibal Lector. Oh, the hilarity! What's next CBS? A 30 Rock rip-off with no mention of Lemons? A spin-off of The Walking Dead with no zombies..."The Walking"? Please cast all of these with pretty Australian actresses doing southern accents, please! "Can ya still hear the wallabies at night, Clarice?" Speaking of The Walking Dead, this show is obviously killing Michael Cudlitz, the man hadn't aged a day since Band of Brothers, now just look at him!
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