The Sweeter Side of Life (2013 TV Movie)
So Disappointed
16 February 2021
Within the first 20 minutes of watching this train wreck there are so many red flags but I just want to address two here: the main characture (yes you read that right) mentions in her drug induced haze that she forgot to tip the taxi driver to which the over the top stereotypical Irish father responds that the driver is a Jew and already charged for that. WOW. Really Hallmark?? Then when she goes with her father to his bakery we meet his employee, yet another stereotype this time of the heavy set Italian to which she and Paddy (father) bash his weight. Then have to shove him into a car. Dang. This may have been humorous to some almost a decade ago but now it's just plain hate. I love Hallmark but really they need to pull this crap fest and bury it. I mean they pulled Lori Loughlan movies for her what? Buying her kids college entrances? This movie is offensive why not pull it??? Disappointed.
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