Oy Vey
17 February 2021
Single men and women in a Jewish neighborhood of New York city struggle to find their soul mate. Amy Irving plays a 30 something single women named Isabelle Grossman who works in a dinosaur Book Store in which she and the stores owner hold book review parties upstairs where wine is served and the pompous party guests gloat about how shallow their miserable lives really are as they tell meaningless stories that no one will remember the next day.

When Isabelle is set up by her grandmother on a blind date to a nice Jewish man named Sam Posner (Peter Riegert) who inherited his fathers Kosher deli which specializes in kosher pickles, Isabelle must have had to much wine to drink at her latest book party as she brushes the classy Sam Posner and his pickle cart off as being beneath her. When Isabelle realizes she may have been to quick to brush Sam off she agrees to go out on a second date with him, but as with many couples when one of the two love birds is still looking for something better she stands Sam up. That happened to me one time when I was a young man and trust me I can relate.

This scene where Sam gets stood up for all the wrong reasons by Isabelle is critical to the films context about relationships, and it will keep your interest if you have not yet seen the film to see for yourself how Sam handles Isabelle's brush off.

I give the film a 5 out of 10 IMDB rating. I give Isabelle a 2 out of 10 and I would dump her fast than a slippery kosher pickle.
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