Review of Doctor Who

Doctor Who (2005–2022)
A rollercoaster of quality
18 February 2021
I watched the first two season years ago, and the season 2 finale made me give up watching. I just started again, rewatched the first two seasons... I was a lot younger back then, but it was still a heavy punch in the feels. They really made me care, and that is very hard. Anyways, i stopped watching somwhere in the second half of season 10 because i just couldn't stand the new companion. This review was edited after each couppe of seasons, so if you find something that contradicts what i wrote earlier, the last thing i said is my final stand on each matter.

I rate each season independently and then add and devide the result to get the final rating of the series, which is a total of 6,75/10 stars, rounded up to 7.

Short recommendation on which seasons are worth to watch: Watch seasons 1-4, then you can skip 5-6 entirely, then watch seasons 7-9 and forget 10(and possibly also later seasons) even exists. Seasons 5 and 6 are not worth the time, season 7 is kinda-sorta worth it but only because of the new companion. Then when she leaves at the end of season 9, i recommend you leave this series too. Now i continue with a bit more in-depth review:

1- Season 1 is wacky and fun to watch, but lacks real depth most of the time. Still, a very fun season that i will rewatch every now and then. Final verdict of S01: 9/10 stars.

2- Because of the season finale i first wanted to give Season 2 just 5/10. However as they still managed to make me react in such a way, they got bonus two stars. Up untill the finale it was 9,5/10, so with the finale they lost 4,5 stars in my book. A lot, i know. Anyways, it's still somewhat better than season 1 because it looks like it has more depth(and character development). Final verdict for S02: 8/10 stars. But despite that, i consider it the best Doctor who season. NOTE: Before seing how they ended Rose's story in finale of season 4 i rated this 7/10 stars.

3- The first few episodes are kinda interesting, the midde episodes are boring, and in the end it's very good. The new girl getting "romantical" about the Doctor is way off. The character of Rose was all bubbly and feminine, grabbing Doctor by the hand and dragging him along with all the usual "girlfriend act". So it worked out for season 2, but Martha Jones acts more like a sidekick of a superhero than a girl who's into "the Doctor". And that's part of the problem of season 3, they are trying to force it from time to time without any real hints or a decent backstory preparation. Without that i'd give the season 8/10 stars. Final verdict for S03: 7/10 stars

4- I find many of the best and worst episodes in this season. For example the season finale is AMAZING. Ties everything, not neccessarely in the best way possible, but it is at least satisfactory. Still, Donna is so far the most annoying companion of the Doctor if you ask me. But she really shines in the finale. If she acted like she did in the finale for most of the season, i'd say she is the second best companion. But as she was annoying i have to rank her the worst companion(so far). So the finale deserves some special attention from me. They wrapped up Rose's story, not in the best way, but in a decent way. That was my main reason for continuing to watch the series because they really made me care about her ending, which is very hard to do. In season 1 i found her mostly annoying, but in season 2 she grew on me. In this episode they geve her story a real ending. Rose's "closing" scene did look fake, but oh well, it lasted for a few seconds. However my favorite episode, "The Fires of Pompeii" is also in this season. Final verdict for S04: 7/10. The finale and "Pompeii" aren't enough to push it further up for me.

5- It was all over the place. While the new companion was a bit reffreshing, they still managed to make it a love triangle(and i hate those). The story is kinda boring in my opinion as well. There are one or two amazing episodes, but there are a couple of bad ones. Final verdict for S05: 6/10.

6- One of the worst seasons in my opinion. The only good episode is "The Doctor's Wife"(ep4). It's just fast paced chaos, that has a dissapointing result at the end. By the end River was really getting on my nerves. Final verdict for S06: 4/10

7- Now this is where they focus on developing the characters again. The new companion is amazing. The underline plot is very interesting. I thought this wave starting from mid season would last longer than it did. The introduction of the new doctor is one of the few bad episodes, so don't let it put you off from watching. Final verdict for S07: 7/10

8- Okay, this feels like season 1 again. While the finale does fall short, there are several good episodes, and one or two bad ones. But there is no trully horrible episode, unlike in the last two/three seasons. Final verdict for S08: 8,5/10

9- Now this is an ok season. And i say ok because the fist half is... Just fine. While the last few episodes, excluding season finale, are amazing. P.S. River, go away! Final verdict for S09: 8/10

10- For the first few episodes that i did watch, this trully is the worst season so far. And i hear later it gets even worse, so it looks like i saved a lot of time. The new companion is horrible on so many levels. But to be fair that might just be the script she got to work with not suiting her. We get it, she's a lesbian, she's black. You ticked two boxes at once. What do you want, an applause? There is no need to shove it down our throats several times in every single episode. In fact, you know in which season the companion was also black? Season 3! And i didn't even register it untill now. But that's probably because i can't remember the writers puting a "she's a miniority" sign over her neck. And all the time you used to point it out would have been better spent actually developing her character. This just made her annoying beyond Donna and yes, even Rose's mother! Final verdict for (the first half of) S10: 3/10 Maybe it seems unfair to include S10 in this rating, but it would probably be even worse if i continued watching.
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