It's terrible, dahlink.
3 March 2021
Continuing the trend for thriller/horror films featuring 'past their sell-by date' actresses, Bert I. Gordon's Picture Mommy Dead stars Zsa Zsa Gabor, albeit in a role that is little more than a cameo, the actress (and I use that word in the loosest possible sense) only appearing in flashbacks. Gabor is absolutely terrible, but she is given a run for her money as worst actress by Susan Gordon (the director's chubby daughter, wearing one expression throughout), who plays her mentally ill daughter Susan, who has spent three years in a convent (i.e. nuthouse) after her mother's tragic demise in a fire.

At last considered well enough to go home, Susan is picked up from the convent by her father Edward (Don Ameche, looking like a second-rate Vincent Price) and his new wife Francene (Martha Hyer), who used to be the girl's governess. When Susan arrives at the family mansion, lawyer Clayborn (Wendell Corey, who mumbles his way through his lines) informs her that she is heir to her mother's fortune, but if she were to suffer another breakdown, or die, the money would go to her father. Greedy Francene, having already spent all of Edward's cash, starts scheming to get rid of her flaky stepdaughter one way or another, and also begins a search for the valuable diamond necklace last seen being worn by Susan's mother.

With a predictable plot that provides no surprises and generates zero tension, and pedestrian direction (one creepy toy scene aside), about the only reason to recommend this film is Hyer, who puts in the best performance (not saying much, I grant you) and who is quite the stunner, especially in that off-the-shoulder dress at the end (hubba hubba!).
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