Review of Debris

Debris (2021)
Off to a good beginning. Please do the smart thing and keep it around.
10 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The mark of a good story is to drop you into the story and give you the background slowly throughout the book/series, whatever. The story should draw you in and keep doling out details as time progresses. This is what this show has done. The characters have been working together to gather and investigate the debris of an alien ship. That is where the viewer is dropped into the mix. The characters don't know where it came from or why the debris is landing on earth. Was the ship on its way here or was it complete coincidence? The agents working the case are real people. They have real pain that they are dealing with. For one, the loss of a father. For the other, an unknown, currently, pain involving a woman in a picture that he will not talk about. These agents are not Mary Sues who have all the answers, nor should they be. They are searching for answers. Like Threshold, the characters seem to be working from a worst case scenario playbook. But, how do you prepare, not for aliens, though that may be coming, but for materials that violate all known laws of science as we know them? Why or how is the debris interacting/affecting humans? The characters are on the journey of discovery and are taking us with them. The only problem I foresee with this show is that it is too intellectual for the majority of viewers that would rather be entertained than have to actually think about something to understand the story. If history shows us anything it is that shows of this caliber, that have intellectual component, have a short shelf life on network television. season. Fringe...5 seasons. season. Shows that require no thought at all last forever, ad nauseum. Survivor...41 seasons. Dancing with the Stars...29 seasons. Americas got Talent...15 seasons. You get the point. So, I am hoping for the best and that this show will be around for a while, but with most viewers lacking the capacity to appreciate it, I fear that this will be another short-lived show. Please keep a show that does not target the lowest common denominator.
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