What a terrible movie
15 March 2021
Does this even qualify as a "movie"? It's a series of barely connected scenes of teenagers doing random activities to a soft-rock soundtrack. It's more like a music video or a Coke ad than a feature-length film. I just watched all seven hours of this movie and can remember only one character's name. Jesse. He's the one with the curly dark hair. Like all his friends, he's a jerk, plain and simple. He's constantly lying, whining, cheating, getting into fights, and guilting his idiot girlfriend into doing things she doesn't want to do.

Not one of the teenagers in this movie leads a normal high-school life. They are all belligerent and petty. They antagonize their teachers and coaches. They face no consequences for their nonstop shenanigans. You'd think that at least football would be important to the football players, especially considering the movie's title, but nope; in their first game, they immediately brawl with the opposing team.

All this would be fine if the movie was directed with madcap energy, like countless other tacky but fun horny teenager movies. Instead, Pom Pom Girls plods from scene to scene with no connective tissue or reason to care what happens to these people. At one point, some of the teens visit a motocross track and watch bemused for at least four minutes. We watch along with them. Look at those motorcycles go. Wow. Then the teens decide to rent motorcycles. They ride for a few minutes. Look at the fun they're having. The next scene involves Jesse deciding to go to the beach. What a plot!

You'd think that with a name like Pom Pom Girls, this movie would do at least one thing right. It's a 1970s exploitation film, after all. But nope. The few "sexy" scenes are ineptly paced and uncomfortable. Even the de rigueur locker room scene is off-putting; we watch in complete, creepy silence while several of the cheerleaders remove their tops and bottoms, and then one asks another to feel her breast to see whether she has a lump. Hot hot hot!
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