I loved it!
1 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Banglar King Kong is how the filmmakers of the People's Republic of Bangladesh see Kong and let me tell you, there is no way that American audiences are prepared for this.

There are times within the film where footage looks thirty years old and as if it played numerous times in drive-ins through the southwest, with pops and lines and dust all over the film. And then there are moments when it appears to be video, mostly for the music numbers. Music numbers? Yes, Banglar King Kong is packed with them. And finally, there are moments where old school greenscreen and evil Photshopped stills with Ken Burns effect on them are used. It's like a remixed multimedia film with the budget of a trip to the grocery store and every moment is astounding.

Somehow, this movie has a running time of two hours and twenty-three minutes but I didn't notice. My wife walked in for a bit, saw Kong and said, "This is upsetting. This movie is the kind of thing that I don't want to watch."

This is a film where people wear black leather ensembles to a jungle adventure. The Fay Wray in this is curvy and has a splash fight with a guy in this that looks like it got out of hand and the camera never cuts away. And when Kong starts stomping on buildings before going to see stock footage of a carnival that had to be filmed decades ago, it only got better.

Sure, the theme from Gladiator is in this, the buildings go from rear projection to cardboard cutouts and remote control cars are used. But it has a real Kong mask that I assume that Amazon delivered to make this film happen and stock footage of explosions and human fistfights mixed with Kong going wild in a city and sometimes, the jump cuts are so nonsensical that they challenge even my brain.

At one point, I thought that the directing style of Cetin Inane took a mindset shift that permanently broke my ability to watch movies the same way ever again. I can happily report that this movie does the very same thing, as time, place, scene, pacing and camera angles do not matter any more. This feels like it was assembled from the ghosts of a hundred other movies and the dream of making one, a blockbuster version of King Kong unlike any seen before or since.

The copy I found on YouTube has long stretches where artifacted video breaks into the picture and the sound struggles to keep up with it. There's also a scene at the end where the Fay Wray character hugs a reverse projection of the big dead ape and she just stands there with her arms open.

I couldn't love this movie any more that I do.
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