An Amish Murder (2013 TV Movie)
A Tapestry of Murder
5 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The image of the quilt is prominent in "An Amish Murder." The design appears in the art work of the chief of police in the quaint town of Painters Mill, Ohio. Chief Kate Burkholder left the local Amish community and has forever after been under their ban. But when a young Amish woman is murdered, Kate is forced to revisit her past during the intense investigation.

The film was crisply directed with outstanding set-ups and location footage in rural Ohio. The script included a well-developed set of characters in both the Amish and English communities. While working on the case, Kate begins a romance with the "profiler" John Tomasetti. The bond that they share is one of tragedy due to John's loss of his family in a violent crime and Kate's secret history that sheds light on why she left the Amish community.

But the most moving relationship is that of Kate and her former fiancé, Lucas Holtz. They clearly still share a spiritual connection that is apparent in each of their scenes together. While they never physically touch in the film, it is clear that they have a profound love for each other.

In the role of Kate Buckholder, Neve Campbell turned in a first-rate performance. Beneath the tough veneer, her character's vulnerable side was exposed. Because of the multi-dimensional protagonist, "An Amish Murder" was much more than a murder mystery. It was a rich tapestry that offered a respectful approach to depicting the Amish community and the sensitive portrayal of an ex-member who defined herself in a new calling that would serve her kinfolk in a new and surprising way.
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