13 June 2021
Unfortunately, the incomplete splits in my comment for the 6th episode appeared in some scenes. Morales' life and the crew's confrontation with it, Stabler's stalemate in the final scene, etc. The script should have been talked about more and added intensity and expressiveness. Because it wasn't like that, I think the finale didn't catch the audience too much. In short, the mole incident, mafia conflicts, the war that the police fought not only against the mafia but also within themselves. These situations pass very quickly. This speed leaves us with an action sequence just like acid. The one that goes down to the stomach quickly and comes out of the nose as a puf. Because the same styles have been done before. But we know from Svu that this set of law and order is not like that.

And please; Don't try to make him look like John McClane in Die Hard or look like Martin Riggs in Lethal weapon or look like an Italian mobster in Godfather. Elliot Stabler is already an idol !...

I'm not a weak spectator who keyboard masculinity. My criticisms are not meant to be destructive, they are meant to be constructive. I was hopeful for the season finale. It dragged, but not much. I was hoping to look forward to next season.

Writing, script should be strengthened.

I believe that Law and Order and Svu is not just a drama about universal rights, human rights, and the safety of vulnerable individuals such as women, children and the elderly, but a school of democracy. Therefore it is unique, there is no other example. Even to the criminal, empathy is processed intensely and in a balanced way. Organized Crime is the source of all crimes against humanity, drugs, murder, rape, money laundering etc. I also want an organization that is a resource to be unique. I want so many things. And law and order organized crime can do that. Because it did.

Ps. The power dance in Olivia and Weatley's encounter was so good.
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