This review is just for "Brandon"
19 June 2021
Im not going to do a review for the short stories. Some were great some i have seen on youtube many times before. I do want to give my opinion on the actual star Brandon, the embodiment of what I think most clowns feel on the inside! The guy was gross, kinda dumb, perfect amount of self loathing and in my opinion all things combined made him unsettling and off putting, which I am going to assume was his goal. So for that reason I give Brandon, the worst kinda clown there is, an honest one, 8 out of 10 stars!! The movie really isn't as bad as the ridiculous humorless "critics" are saying. Its a perfect rainy day afternoon watch!! Give it a shot it is more horror comedy than straight up horror. I enjoyed it and in the end that's all that matters!!
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