The only thing more dangerous than a Rich Dude . . .
20 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
. . . is a house full of the Filthy Rich, warn the always eponymous Warner Bros. With MURDER BY AN ARISTOCRAT. The prophetic prognosticators of Warner use ARISTOCRAT to document how the Corrupt Capitalist Corporate Communist Cabal is rigged to concentrate wealth in the grasping greedy paws of a few drug-addicted bankers and blackmailers, acting in cahoots with "law men." The Warner seers show viewers how these resource hoarders are demonically possessed, frittering away their days upon idle pursuits while contributing absolutely nothing to the Good of Society. Warner suggests that unless they redistribute their ill-gotten loot back to the Common Man, these malingering miscreant money misers will soon meet their doom along the lines of the three Thatchers shown crossing the River Styx into Hades here.
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