Why a remake?!?
28 June 2021
"Seven Keys to Baldpate" as originally a story by Earl Derr Biggers--the same guy who created Charlie Chan back in 1913. Soon after, it was a play starring George M. Cohen. Then, it was made seven times for the big screen as well as several times for radio. So, this results in two things...it's been done many times already AND it's an old story with old fashioned writing and characters. AND, after seeing this 1947 version as well as a couple others, I was left wondering WHY....why make this film in the first place as it's NOT a very good story. It's contrived and silly, to say the least.

Kenneth McGee made a bet which makes no sense....that he can write an entire story over the weekend at a spooky old empty house called Baldpate. Who would make such a bet in the first place?! Any way, the guy who made the bet with him sends all sorts of things Kenneth's way to distract him....and a few other things come up quite unexpectedly. None of this is really interesting nor makes much sense....and it never seems like it could happen in real life.

The cast here is B-movie quality as is the rest of the film. So, we have a cheap version of an overused script that is already dated. I was never so bored in my life by a movie....and have no idea why I bothered!
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