Trial & Retribution II - Part One
19 July 2021
Lynda La Plante has been regarded for the pioneering work she did in Widows and Prime Suspect.

I found this to be a troubling episode. In some ways it reminded me of these torture porn films, where a woman is brutalised for well over a hour but the whole thing is an ode to feminism. She kills her rapists at the end.

Walker and North investigate some brutal killings of prostitutes. It then leads to the murders of a non prostitute but one person survives and gives some kind of a description.

Walker finds a van that was described by the survivor. It belongs to Damon Morton but other men confess to the killings.

It seems Damon is somehow controlling these men.

Maybe the graphic murders was inspired by the Ripper murders. I found little about Damon Morton to be convinced in the first episode that he was some kind of a charismatic psychopath.

It also has the lazy trope of the young black father who wants little to do with his daughter.
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