Law & Order: Special Victims Unit: Sin (2007)
Season 8, Episode 17
Sins of the father
28 July 2021
Anybody who has read any of my other reviews for for example individual episodes of the 'Law and Order' shows, am slowly working my way through writing reviews for all the episodes of 'Law and Order, 'Special Victims Unit' and 'Criminal Intent' with a long way to go, will know already how much admiration there is from me for anything that tackles difficult and controversial themes and issues. Which is certainly the case in "Sin", with a subject that should hit hard but also should be approached carefully.

"Sin" is one of the early seasons 'Special Victims Unit' episodes that didn't do much for me on first watch and it hasn't gotten much better on rewatches. It is definitely a watchable episode, but it has always left me with conflicted feelings and could have handled its difficult subject more tactfully and in a way that engaged more. It is like a loose mix of Season 3's "Silence" and Season 5's "Abomination", subject-matter wise, but both those episodes are infinitely better in most ways.

There are bad things here in "Sin". It is very predictable from having similar plot elements to those two aforementioned episodes, and also can be slow going. Especially in the early stretches. The case could have done with a lot more tension and could have handled a difficult subject with more subtlety, instead of making it too clear what its stance on the subject matter is.

Which would have been achieved if there wasn't such a heavy emphasis on the word sin and if religion was not brought into it and as heavily as it was. Kathy Baker also seemed rather wooden.

Having said that, there are good things about "Sin" as well. The slick, subtly gritty and intimate production values are still present, while not going too far on the intimacy that it becomes too drab and closed up. The music lets the writing do all the talking without over-emphasising the emotions and the direction doesn't come over as leaden.

Furthermore, Tim Daly is suitably loathsome as a loathsome character without being a one-dimensional stereotype. Corey Sorenson is affecting and his story has a lot of relevance and will resonate. The outcome of the case has always touched me and the changes of heart were just about convincing and not too random, the most tactful the episode was. Stabler and Olivia are great together, especially when posing as doctors. The scene between Paul, Stabler and Olivia is tasteful and hard-hitting. All the regulars are great.

Overall, watchable episode but has always left me very conflicted. 5/10.
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