9 August 2021
It's Not Often that Sheep-Headers are at the Center of the Heroics in a Cow-Boy Movie.

In Fact, Emphasizing the Point, Steve McNally's Head Herder Nicknames' Lex Barker "Cowboy" and Uses it Relentlessly Throughout.

There's Much Going On in this Overpopulated Picture...

Stage-Coach Robberies of Targeted Gold Shipments.

The Town Celebrating, Complete with Marching Bands, Banners and Placards, the Election of the Town Sheriff with One Seriously Corrupt Candidate.

A Love Triangle Between a "Tarzan-Like" Hunk, Lex Barker, a Rough and Ready to Fist-Fight at the Drop of a Hat, Steve McNally, and the Stunningly Beautiful Tom-Boy and Crack-Shot, Mora Corday.

There are Many Battles with Fisticuffs, Dynamite, and Guns-Blazing.

The Climax is so Riddled with Gun-Play in the Middle of Town and Hundreds of Bullets Flying Everywhere, its Difficult to Tell Who's Shooting Who and it Resembles a Circular Firing Squad.

Certainly a Big-Bang for the Buck, with a Big-Budget,

and Direction from a 1950's icon of Pulp Entertainment, Jack Arnold.

Certainly makes this Big Colorful Entertainment...

Worth a Watch.
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