Contrary to popular opinion, the biggest scandal in Oscar History . . .
4 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
. . . is NOT when LA LA LAND's "Best Picture" gelded statuette was filched by MOONSHINE, but remains when the Groaning Fat Cat stole not only the hardware but also the software for RHAPSODY RABBIT lock, stock and barrel cactus with its bogus CAT CONCERTO spin on the top-rated "10 of 10" RHAPSODY RABBIT. A not-so-"independent" film lab, in cahoots with Old Scratch, sent the developed film for the latter cartoon over to Plagiarist House. The copycats there recognized a good thing when they saw it, assigned a squad of fourth-rate doodlers to ape it virtually verbatim and then rigged an "election" to award the grand prize to their purloined knock-off. Many live-action criminal case documentaries, True Crime volumes and "Now You Know the Rest of the Story" segments have been done over the decades exposing this brazen incident of intellectual property thievery and the pervasive evil pervading this pernicious film franchise. Leo the Leper turns everything he touches to dross, with a sad history of gangster culture, child abuse and not-so-organized crime.
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