Review of Finale

Finale (I) (2018)
Bor-ing, What A Horrible Bore!
6 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Bought this a few months back but haven't got around to watching til now. I thought it would be good given the review states "Hostel Meets The Purge", how far from the truth that is.

The film sees 2 girls working late at a Petrol Station only to have strange goings on occur throughout the night. It's then that the events become clear to them once things start to increase in intensity leading to a deadly revelation.

I found the film to be mostly boring. The first hour sees the girls just serving weird customers, 1 of them is complaining about her domestic problems while the other is trying to get through her last shift. What makes it more annoying is that we see these scenes chopping & changing to the ones of the girl trying to finish her last shift being tortured with her boy friend & co-worker with the domestic issues. So any suspense or build up is spoiled.

The films pacing was off & the 1 hour & 30 minute cut was a little too long, especially given the first hour had no action in it at all & was boring as. The body count sucked & the gore was at best minimal & at worst too little, too late, just like the action which in itself was below medicore. The story itself was boring & nothing interesting.

Overall, once again, the comparisson to other horrors that are way better than this is misleading & insulting to those horrors which actually deliver & are far better. The title of this film is different to the UK one which is called "The Ring Master", typical straight-to-DVD unnecessary renaming. It's not a great film & is pretty dissappointing. Very little to nothing is salvagable with this one.

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