Neat Old Time Halloween Short
7 November 2021
On Halloween night, a witch is seen getting into the Halloween spirit, scaring things, but is scared of a jack-o-lantern. Hiding, she observes Huey, Dewey, and Louie, in costume, trick-or-treating. However, the house they go to is their Uncle Donald's, who decides to hoard all the candy he has for himself and play mean tricks on his own nephews, like giving them firecrackers and pouring water on the poor lads (and this was back when kids watching these short cartoon knew better than to do the slapstick they see on them). Thankfully, the witch, Hazel, feels bad about what she witnessed and meets the three ducklings and happy to see they believe in witches, befriends them and decides to help them get back at their uncle, as Hazel and the three team up to pull the greatest trick on Donald.

This is a neat classic Donald Duck cartoon. This is one of the few that actually has the witch as the hero instead of a bad guy like most literature and media poses them as. Also, the short has a good song to go with it "Trick Or Treat For Halloween" which explains the moral the episode teaches about not being stingy, especially with trick-or-treaters, as if you are going to trick them, you better be prepared to be tricked back.
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