Bomb City (2017)
Almost A Modern Version Of The Outsiders
9 November 2021
Don't get me wrong, the story here is not quite as good overall as The Outsiders. Nor is it nearly as convincing in who is to blame. But of course The Outsiders is fiction, and this is based on real life. Who's to blame, and how much blame is actually deserved in reality, is so much harder to pinpoint than in most works of fiction.

While I think this film is reasonably good, and well worth a watch; I really don't think the film is nearly as effective as it thinks that it is. It also seems to show a little bias of it's own in fact. Watch it yourself and see what you think. The guy who ends up sentenced was actually given 10 years probation, a long time, and then when caught drinking which violated his probation, he wasn't treated so lightly. He actually ended up serving nearly 4 years in prison.

While sometimes I don't mind some of the points that Marilyn Manson has brought up from time to time about American culture, I really felt he didn't help this film much, if at all; As his narration at the beginning is somewhat interesting & thought provoking, but when he finishes what he has to say at the end, it really amounts to little more than stupidity. Manson also states that not one day was spent in jail by the young man portrayed here, but in fact, as I already stated due to his probation violation in connection to this event, he did eventually end up serving many, many days. But Manson rarely seems interested in truth, but rather his interests lie mostly in shocking people. To me, I understand an artists desire to stir things up, to try and provoke change. Manson however is not one to attack things in a fully authentic fashion, hence the lack of his effect on cultural change on any large scale.

Overall I think the film is a good cautionary tale. Even though it seems to think it is more than that. 7/10.
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