Just more fear-based propaganda
15 November 2021
I researched the so-called "vanishing" of bee populations worldwide, and it's all a hoax. Yes, there was a dip in bee populations in the late 90's, and to this day, that is still the same data that is used to perpetuate this lie. Every single year since then, bee populations have steadily risen worldwide. Many people tried to blame the collapse of the late 90's on Neonicotinoids, a pesticide derived from the tobacco plant. The problem with that is, bee populations in countries where these pesticides were never used also saw a decline in the 90's. Actual researchers say it was probably some kind of fungus, or parasite, that caused the collapses of that era...but again, bee populations are doing just fine since then. I saw one study that concluded the hive decline may simply been due to cold weather, you know, because it gets cold in the winter in the northern hemisphere...imagine that!

Now let's imagine all the bees in the world suddenly disappeared overnight. Then we would have to use a different insect to pollenate our crops for us, or (God forbid), we would have to do it manually. The horror!
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