The 11th Hour (I) (2007)
13 year old movie is complete crapola. Since 1970 the cultists have threatened end of days in 10 more years, 10 more years, 10 more years, 10 more years
26 November 2021
New research in 2021 now says there will soon be global cooling.

The DiCaprios of the world desperately cling to the Cult of Climate Change.

For 1/2 a century, the climate grifters have been issuing 10 year "end of days" warnings.

For a while, during the 1970s, global warming, global chilling, and global famine were all said to end the world in 10 years.

Susuki now threatening pipeline bombings.

Climate grifters such as Gore fly in private jets, live in huge mansions, and ride in huge limousines.

Hundreds of private jets fly to climate conferences.

It's a huge $cam and many are still not wise to it.

Wind is the worst since huge energy is needed to manufacture the deadly turbines and ship them to the US where they kill birds, destroy the landscape, and produce tiny energy.

Pray for wind ?
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