Review of Baptiste

Baptiste (2019–2021)
Season 2
1 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
So this season is rolling along--good acting, well written, plausible storylines. Then we get to episode 5. This was the episode written by the script writer right after he had a rough night at the bar. So he wakes up, thinks to himself he has to write an ending then just bails on it and goes back to bed. To think that Baptiste would leave the mother in the cage with her terrorist son just blows up all believability they could squeeze out of the last two episodes. The son is the only ne connected to the pending catastrophe that they have. So let's just leave his mother with him so he can escape--duh. Ray Charles could have seen this coming. How about these alternatives; the son doesn't escape or Baptiste figured he would and put a tracker in his phone. Just a terrible job of writing.
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