The trouble with this 'movie'...
5 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
...is that if it landed on your watchlist solely based on IMDb synopsis - as in my case - you will feel sorely deceived and cheated somewhere between 5 and 12mn in. The obvious focus on the 'little girl' physical features and the heartless, cold and typically german tone was embarassing to the point where i stopped just before the scene where it is revealed in the most underwhelming manner that the thing is not a human, but indeed an android.

The biggest trouble with this kind of pathetic drivel, however, is that even after i returned to IMDb to properly inform myself about the film, and realized what i was actually being fed, some kind of morbid curiosity won me out and i kept watching, hoping that the sci-fi elements would soon bring some value to the otherwise unpalatable piece. And that was my biggest mistake... again.

In my opinion this is no sci-fi plot, not even trying to be sci-fi. It's just garbage about some tech which is not currently available but could very well be, as i write this review, if only investors and public demand were joining forces to promote this kind of sick paedophilia stuff.

Everything about this movie was horrendous and i found no redeeming qualities whatsoever as i kept skipping from completely dark scenes shot in a forest at night to bleak passages in the city where an old lady dies ridiculously for rejecting the attempts at intimacy from the ahem... 'android'. Finally i realized today how many awards this crap has received in film festivals and i just lost faith (yet again) in modern cinema in particular and the human race in general.

Yes pedophilia was/is rampant in society and yes it is alarmingly becoming normalized by the rich, elitist perpetuators and by such creepy productions and the incoherent acclaim it received in cinematographic circles. Apparently if AI specifically and technology at large is not used to monitor, control and supress entire populations as in China today, it has to be directed towards the most vile and basic impulses of those who hide behind the mask of artistic licence to allow perversity and depravity to become commonly accepted features in the world of tomorrow.

The only relief i get when contemplating this situation is to remember that i am neither young nor healthy and hopefully i won't be around for much longer.

1 out of 10 because negative votes are not a thing.

STAY AWAY AT ALL COST if you are still human.
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