What a ridiculous cop-out.
5 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
So ends the infamous Chris Chibnall's final season as executive producer of "Doctor Who"... And I bid so long, farewell, auf wiedersehen & goodbye to the ever thinning patience I had with him & his god awful writing. If the finale has achieved anything, it has at least proven beyond any reasonable doubt that I am certainly ready to say adieu to this showrunner's current, divisive (get it?) tenure & can take solace in the knowledge that there are only 3 more installments left before he's gone for good. Roll on S14 in 2023. Honestly can't come soon enough.

Maybe I'm just lethargic (or simply exhausted by the continuous, unrelenting disappointment experienced whilst watching his irredeemable era - can't believe I actually got my hopes up this year) but tonight's pathetic excuse for an episode's left me feeling physically fatigued - more tired than how Harriet Jones looked in "The Christmas Invasion". There's a numbness caused by the mercilessly onslaught against our senses & since this overwhelms us with painfully mindless spectacle for 60 long minutes, the installment's a draining, incoherent slog to endure... Roland Emmerich on steroids.

Genuinely, what are we supposed to even make of the CGI, lacklustre mess that is "The Vanquishers"? I'm curious. What was the point? Moreover, what emotion did they wish to elicit in the fans - other than dismay at the massive nosedive in quality? There's a list of stuff I can't comprehend. What purpose did the fugitive incarnation serve, in hindsight? Furthermore, what possible justification could they offer to excuse her frustratingly poor utilisation? Have they really just squandered the first black, female Doctor in the show's history & offered no explanation as to why she's neglected? Surely she deserves better as both a character (what she represents) & an actress? Don't minorities warrant more consideration regarding the standard of their inclusion? I do hope Jo Martin's regeneration wasn't reduced to an offensively tokenistic plot device, existing solely to deepen her white counterpart's iteration / story arc? That can't be it? Not to mention, what about villains Swarm & Azure? Who / what were they? Since they have a rich history / pre-existing relationship with Jodie Whittaker's protagonist, have those at the helm of S13 legitimately failed to realise their potential, inexplicably dispensing with the two of them prematurely & without hesitation? Why shift such a profound emphasis on altering the lore of "Who" if it never contributed to anything sufficient enough to warrant those new amendments? Has this all been about emblazoning Chris Chibnall's name on the 50+ year mythology - for no other reason than to create a shallow legacy for himself? Additionally, has years of build up honestly culminated to form this - or shall there be further expansion of the plotline established in "The Timeless Children" - in the next 3 specials? Plus, what's left of the galaxy to save from hereon in? Hasn't the cataclysmic event shattered most of reality & wiped out the vast majority of the universe? No idea. Haven't a clue. Your guess is as good as mine because upon completion, as a viewer I remain totally oblivious & nonethewiser. The grand master plan's unfolded before our eyes & it turns out there was no clear sense of direction to begin with... We've just been led on a meandering, wild goose chase. Still left wondering as to what Chibnall's motivations were when crafting the scripts & I seriously question what he hoped to achieve with "the Flux"... The only discernible answer seems to be (yet again) he's just shamelessly baited fans & alluded to mysteries regarding the Time Lord's past with no intention of making good on the promises he's made (& had us fooled in to thinking he'd keep) as a storyteller, which to me is the worst mistake you can make because the symbiosis between a franchise & its supporters is sacred & unbreakable; breaching that unspoken contract - reneging on your side of the deal - can do untold damage to a brand in the long term, stymieing people's faith in your dependability. His lack of respect & entitlement, taking the audience for granted? Unforgivable.

Chapter 6 is like crafting a murder mystery except in the finale, rather than revealing the identity of the killer (mindfully rewarding the investment of valuable time people have imbued in to watching your drama - sustaining its longevity - when they could be tuning in to something else), the showrunner's continued to withhold that information in order to retain a sense of "AmBiGUiTy", arguing that crime is instead a subjective concept to different civilizations & thus, not real / recognised universally; consequently, there is no killer! Let me disabuse him of this fantasy; it's not a clever twist, it's not a "subversion" of our expectations (shares more similarities with Game of Thrones' unpopular S8 style - throwing away seasons of set up for shock value), it's not deep or philosophical & neither is it satisfying to sit through. No, sir. It's pretentious, tedious, irksome & renders the tale you're attempting to tell utterly inconsequential & meaningless. The only lesson I've learned is to stop giving this man chances... Though in all fairness, as homosexual male, I of all people should theoretically know better than to trust a fellow who relies so heavily upon grandiosity & materialistic, superficial expenditure by this point. My own fault.

Jokes aside, by all means, if you wish to disclose information regarding the backstory of a character in a narrative, then do so freely - but if you won't, then don't. However, don't TEASE people for the sake of teasing. It's a waste of your time & theirs. Save your breath. The cheap writing equivalent of telling everyone "I've got a secret but I'm not going to let you in on it!" Okay, why do I need to know you have one then? Keep it to yourself & don't bother me. Move on to something else that's interesting. "Oh, but this is fascinating, trust me!" No, Chris. I'm not biting. Move on. The game's repetitive, monotonous predictable - & it's being played on us, not with us. I'm done.

I just can't believe the BBC spent actual money for this to be made by a professional production crew who are clearly so talented, they'll have had far better things to be doing than frittering away their time on this illogical, anti-climactic nonsense. Quite frankly, I'd be demanding a refund. Utterly unjust how he's been able to pay bills with the revenue from this screenplay. Not worth a penny, let alone a pound...
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