Despair beyond belief
5 December 2021
I've loved Dr Who since I was a kid (I'm 53) and have always accepted there are going to be awesome stories and ones that are going to plumb the depths.

However, I've never had to endure the issue of a whole series being just ... terrible.

I could go on at length but what the point?

The whole story of the flux is nonsensical, it has no logic, no flow, no coherence.

What was the point of Swarm & Azure? Big build up and then wiped out in a second with no reason.

What was the point of Vincent & Bel? They ran around a lot but had little impact on the story.

What was the point of Grand Serpent? Great character, but what effect did he have?

In all Chris Chibnall collected a huge number of elements, threw them in a big pot and got ... a mess.

I've put up with a lot of rubbish in the Whoniverse and thought the episode "Kill the Moon" ( Capalidi) was the absolute worst but then came The Flux.

You thought Moffat was getting bad but Chibnall tops it all.

Russell T Davis cannot come back too soon.

I feel sorry that Jodie has to go out on this pile of ... of ...

This feels like we have hit the quality of script that Sylvestor McCoy had to endure before Dr Who was cancelled in 1987.

Please can it stop? I can't bear to see my favourite SciFi series of ALL time go down the drain in this manner.
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