Homestead Rescue (2016– )
Not at all pleased with this one.
12 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I've watched the show a few times with some serious questions. Once, the daughter tried to make a shelter out of a gas tank that still had gas in it. Still, I thought they were trying to help people who knew little and had no one to help them get their feet on the ground. Then came "All The Pretty Horses."

Before I get into it, my family has owned a farm about 3/4 of a mile from the land this family now owns since 1963. The current resident of the land, my brother, has been there since the late 70s. It is NOT unfamiliar territory. The land my family owns has had cattle, horses, goats, guineas, chickens, geese, and a garden plot that has grown just about everything. Same soil just to be clear.

Let me take it one thing at a time. Their land is above a semi wet creek bed. What I mean is that it will be wet until a dry spell. BUT even if that were not the case, that creek has been a dump for the surrounding area since as long as I can remember. There are two spots I can think of on that creek that people have dumped their trash at least until the 80s. That water is running over some nasty stuff. I know the man had it tested but I still don't think it is safe.

They put a root cellar in the ground with nothing to stop insects, snakes and water from getting into it. On that hill top, you have Copperheads, Moccasins, and a few other dangerous snakes. Not sure which would be worse: tornado or a den of poisonous snakes.

They built a duck pond on a plot of land full of sand. AND only 3000 (ish) gallons? That is a dry pond the minute things go South up there. A well would have really helped there.

No Well! What? They built a seep well in the creek bed. I almost threw up. And 100 gallons? Are you kidding me?! That will last half a day or so. And I know it's Texas and they went in June and July or so but in January and February it gets cold on that hill top. Not -5 or -10 like 2021 but definitely below freezing. What then?

There is more, but that is enough for now. Does the show talk to anyone around the area to see what works there? Or do they just go in all het up and figure they know everything? Not a big fan of what they did in Alto or the show in General.

All in all, it is a bad show.
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