Yellowstone: Keep the Wolves Close (2021)
Season 4, Episode 7
Sadly disappointed
13 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Too many plates are being juggled now with various plotlines that don't get the attention they deserve.

Maybe they will tie together at some point in the future but I doubt it.

Beth is just becoming a parody of herself. Her vehement abuse of everyone bar dad is getting tedious. I hope someone delivers her to John Dutton in her vehicle after it's been through the crusher.

No matter what Jamie Dutton does to prove his loyalty to John he simply defaults to can't be trusted. After the speech about him always calling him son you would expect a little faith - but no - can't have him being governor and the acceptance scene was about as unsurprising as Lloyd buying the guitar as the camera focused on the guns. Just keep kicking Jamie like a dog - getting REALLY boring. They have brought back the mother of his child and they haven't even had a conversation together - she talked at him and that was it.

What is going off with the bunkhouse? All women out was the order - so why is Laramie still there? Teeter had to beg for her job and Mia went of her own accord. Simpy don't understand. Laramie was the catalyst for the friction in the first place.

Then we just spring 2 love interests out of thin air - one for Kayce and one for Jimmy. Both feel forced - and what the whole Jimmy thing is about at the 4 6's is beyond me. Yellowstone not capable of teaching him to ride a horse properly and learn to rope? Doesn't say much for for Rip's crew and the mighty Yellowstone does it?

Too much going off and Gil Birmingham had been reduced to a bit part because of it.

P.s. Get rid of Rip MK II - is Finn really needed? Perhaps the world needs to know how to tie knots.
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