Yellowstone: Keep the Wolves Close (2021)
Season 4, Episode 7
Liking this show less and less
14 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I have really liked the show in previous seasons but it seems to be running out of steam or something.

  • It seems Jimmy may be out of the show to go to 6666. But until this happens, we have boring stories of him learning to be a cowboy. As others have said, they couldn't teach him basic roping and other things at the Yellowstone

  • The constant story of the land developers never ends. We've seen very little happening all season.

  • Same story points that don't really do anywhere. Yes, some fun at the bunkhouse is good but this has been long and boring.

  • Beth is now a certifiable lunatic. She used to fight just the bad people but now she is rude to almost everyone. I think they think the scenes with Rip and the kid show her softer side but it does not make her less appealing. She really could use therapy

  • HATE the story arc with Jamie. Yes, some will say he is a dweeb. But the fact is, he went to Harvard and did everything else to be the legislative/political power arm of the family. He really only told John "no" when he wanted to run for AG, something John ultimately wanted anyway. Kasey has said "No" even more to John but somehow that is not a big betrayal. And, yes, he made a horrible mistake with Beth when he was young - but Beth feels she can threaten to murder him all of the time. John allows the constant abuse. The family is being so cartoonishly ugly to Jamie now that he likely will go to be with his father, better than being the constant whipping boy for John/Beth. So chances are good the character will be killed off - sad because Kelly Reilly enjoys working with Wes very much.

  • The whole season has not added up to much. I guess Kasey is now suddenly gonna have an affair or this woman has a secret kid?

  • The John as governor plot is also stupid, He will have to be in Helena at least part of the time if he wins and his conflicts of interest are so huge that it is criminal.

I honestly think - unless the finale is amazing and they can really get their groove back, season 5 should be the final season. I'm starting to think the show has run its course.
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