It has the 60's written all over it, but the subtlety makes it worth seeing.
2 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Yes, there are some lecherous men here and women who tolerate the oglng and pick up attempts without visits to HR (known back then as the personnel department) or a slap across the face, but the film overall shows the silliness of that type of courtship, giving leading lady Stella Stevens the last laugh. She has to put up with hiring manager Alan Oppenheimer who makes a pass at her and gets rejected, getting the promotion straight from the big boss, Dean Martin. The shot of Oppenheimer watching into the personnel office seriously after finding out what happens is certainly the perfect visual revenge. Martin is obviously a bit of a playboy, but Steven makes it clear that she's not going to be his playgirl.

This is colorful and lightly amusing if not downright hysterically funny, and Martin and Stevens certainly are a very attractive couple. I couldn't see this as a vehicle for Rock Hudson and Doris Day at all, or James Garner and Debbie Reynolds, or Paul Newman and Joanne Woodward. Stevens has the youth and vitality, and Martin is charming and a perfect player. Anne Jackson, as the next door neighbor, is great in a Thelma Ritter type role, and Shelley Morrison definitely is playing an Eve Arden/Nita Talbot type part. Other major parts are played by Eli Wallach and Jack Albertson, giving this a terrific ensemble. Betty Field has a nice small role has another tenant in Stevens' building.

This is a light-hearted look at relationships in the 1960's, and the two stars have a nice chemistry. Under the direction of Fielder Cook, this is an amusing distraction, definitely a product of its time but certainly glamorous and classy, if not overly funny. Yes, there are a few moments that are laugh-out-loud funny, particularly Stevens' encounter with a man at the grave of his mother-in-law, and a few moments with some very funny pratfalls. There were a lot of other sexually charged romantic comedies at the time, some better but mostly worse. Stevens definitely seems to be emulating Marilyn Monroe in looks, if not personality.
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