The Office: The Banker (2010)
Season 6, Episode 14
I think I was wrong
14 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I remember being FURIOUS that after waiting something like six weeks The Office came back to Season 6 with a clip show. I couldn't believe they were doing a clip show at all. At this point that sort of gimmick was anachronistic. I rewatched it recently and now I realize a clip show is indeed an old fashioned idea because it harkens back to a time before streaming or DVDs or even reruns. Shows would do a clip show as filler sure but you got to see stuff from episodes you might have missed or just forgotten, in this one there is also a lot of deleted scene material so it's not all old jokes. There's the short P&J retrospective, and you appreciate just how far you've watched the two of them come and this season we already saw them get married and in the wedding clip they sort of allude that we'll also see Pam deliver, maybe they had to do a clip show as an homage to what exactly the show had become at that point. Isn't my rewatching of the series the same concept, to try and relive how great it was, twelve years ago?
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