Adam & Evil (2004)
A mediocre effort but not without its good
3 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Adam & Evil is a slasher from 2004, from the post Scream days which I'd consider the second golden age of the slasher movie, after the 80s (the first). I've seen it a quite a few times since it was released, and there's a quality to it that gets me to rewatch it once in a while. It's not great in a lot of ways but I'm forgiven of that in slasher movies, it kinda adds to the charm actually. Story wise it's sorta along the lines of Moon Stalker from 1989 and Madman from 1981. There's also a bit of The Burning, also from 1981, when you find out the movies backstory.

The cast are all relatively green but there's some likeable characters including a shady groundskeeper and the wife of a police officer. The killer's identity is not too obvious. Yeah the title, but I don't think most people would over think the title's name. Barbara Kottmeier plays the role of Evelyn with glee. You can sense she enjoyed playing the killer. She did a good job. Kevin Robson (Seth) is another standout. He feels developed a bit more at the start so it's sorta surprising when he's the first one to go. He's also the virgin of the group, but I thought he was by far the hottest guy there personally. He, Barbara Kottmeier, and Brody Harms had the most screen presence I'd say.

There's not a lot of suspense, but the woods set a mood. It's not to the heights of Just Before Dawn (one of the best woods set slashers ever made) but they set a good ambience.

Adam & Evil is probably for hardcore slasher enthusiasts only, but I enjoy it, and think there's things to like about it.
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