The Missing Children (2021 TV Movie)
1 March 2022
A heartbreaking documentary of Irish mothers and babies home in Tuam.

From 1922 to 1998 in Ireland, 81,000 unwed mothers were incarcerated in 44 mother and baby institutions and the mothers were forced to give up their babies. There were 796 baby corpses discovered in the Tuam sewerage system.

How many baby bodies will be found in the other 43 institutions?

The Sisters of Bons Secours, who ran these homes, systematically stole babies and adopted them out across the world and told the mothers nothing. The babies kept at these homes were starved to death if not adopted, and thrown down a sewer, with no documentation to declare their existence on earth.

The Irish government and the Galway council have tried to cover this up and seal the records of an inquiry's findings, thus adding to the horrendous trauma the surviving children, now adults, have had to endure.

The remains of the 796 Tuam babies should be excavated, identified and returned to the respective families. It's been stated it will cost 12,000,000 euros but the Sisters will only contribute 2,500,000 euros . Shameful, pay for your sins sisters!

This disgraceful story of infant abuse and starvation and the slavery of the mothers, as well as the disgusting business plan of forced adoptions to fill the coffers of the filthy Catholic Church is beyond comprehension!


In January 2021, the Sisters of Bon Secour made a statement saying that they were sorry that they failed to respect the dignity of the women and children and acknowledge that the dead babies (babies that they murdered) were buried in a disrespectful and unacceptable way. WELL.....that's an UNDERSTATEMENT!

The Catholic Church stands for murderous, heartless nuns and child-raping priests, all allowed to happen under the watchful eyes of the bishops, cardinals and the Pope! I feel certain that no amount of "hail Mary's" will prevent the filth of the Catholic Church from burning in HELL ! That's what I'll be praying for!

Thank you to the documentary makers for shining a light on the black hearted Catholic Church, yet again!

I wish all of the survivors of these atrocities happiness and peace for all their days.
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