Suspenseful melodrama
2 March 2022
Tess Skinner, played by Mary Pickford, is the daughter of a squatter living on the land of Elias Graves (David Torrence). Old Graves wants to get rid of the squatters, but his son Frederick (Lloyd Hughes) falls in love with Tess. This is a story of greed, passion and jealousy: another squatter with an eye on Tess frames her father for a murder he himself has committed, Frederick's sister gets pregnant by her boyfriend and gives birth to a child, without her father knowing etc. Etc. There is really a lot going on, but then, with about two hours 'Tess of the Storm Country' is quite a long film. Director John S. Robertson (and Mary Pickford herself, who was a strong influence) therefore had time enough to focus on character development. That pays off: All the persons appearing are in one way or the other interesting, Tess of course first of all. Pickford got into that role with an increadible vigour. She is not just a tomboy (like in many of her other films); she is a wildcat - but at the same time vulnerable and sympathetic (at heart maybe even a bit too good to be true). The plot is complex but due to the excellent direction easy to follow. There are no plot holes whatever, and the whole thing is very well-paced, exciting and suspenseful. The film is also beautifully photographed, though some scenes have unfortunately become quite severely degraded. I watched a copy without any sound; it would be interesting to know what the original music was like (if there was any). All in all a very good film, well-worth watching.
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