"You Gotta Stay Happy" Provides a Pleasant Enough Journey
19 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Oddly enough I stayed engrossed in the "You Gotta Stay Happy" through to the end even though along the way I felt that there was something lacking, as if there wasn't enough meat in the sandwich. Maybe it has to do with the idea that Stewart and Fontaine could fall so easily into their love relationship when it is kind of hard to understand why they would; there is little demonstration of why they would fall so easily for one another, given their sketchily-drawn respective introductions.

Beyond that, the opening tone-setting sequence unfortunately introduces us to a kind of manipulative and dour Stewart and a not clearly-thinking Fontaine. In particular, we should have been introduced to Stewart's true good nature before his ability to petulantly work the system was demonstrated. It is also hard to take Stewart's capitulation to accepting being bankrolled by his supposed soon-to-be bride, in spite of his earlier declarations to the contrary.

Somehow I never had seen this flick and I am glad I finally have. "...Stay Happy" It is not a must-see, but it does have entertainment value, especially to see two notable stars in a film that never got much TV airing in the old days. Additionally, the vintage airplanes are fun to view and it looks like they really did use Burbank Airport as a backdrop. The story is okay, there are amusing situations and exchanges to be had, the film has clean production values, and the cast include several enjoyably familiar faces. So hey, this is a fantasy story of sorts, so just strap yourself into a seat and enjoy an undemanding and pleasant ride-along.
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