Deep Water (I) (2022)
Character study, not an erotic thriller
21 March 2022
Marketing this film as an erotic thriller was the biggest mistake they made. It does have some hot scenes but not enough to call the whole movie erotic even though the whole plot is around it. The thriller aspect is also more of an overlooking sense of it rather than the usual thriller sensibilities. The film is more of a character study of a couple, probably a psychopathic couple who feeds off each other by destroying each other and others who comes between them. Although the film takes a clear stand with the Husband, by making it clear it is the actions of the wife that pushes him to take action. But as the film goes on his actions looks like it's even worse but by the end, it's clear that the wife always knew this side and was really looking for that side in him all along. It's a very fascinating film for me because of how the characters are explored and the director makes us relate with a character who is as all the characters including him says, not normal and as we watch we realize that it is true in a lot of wrong ways. Can't believe this is getting so much bad reviews.
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