Sympathies go out to Mr. Hobbs who is stuck on a beachside dilapidated Victorian with his entire family on vacation!
9 April 2022
This is a film about a beachside family vacation in a large old dilapidated Victorian that starts with the patriarch dictating a letter to be read upon his death. There is so much humor...there is just about something for everyone.

The story is based on a novel by Edward Streeter who also wrote Father of the Bride.

Our patriarch, played by the always lovable Jimmy Stewart, had wanted to take a vacation with his lovely wife, played by Maureen O'Hara, but ends up taking a vacation with his entire family including his two elder married daughters, their spouses and children, his fourteen year old daughter who is in a mood and not speaking to anyone because of her newly acquired braces, his son who only wants to watch TV, and their cook who abandons them when she finds out there is no running water!

"I love them dearly, just from different distances."-Mr. Hobbs

"This country needs an un-Edison...someone to un-invent things and the first thing I would un-invent is Television!"-Mr. Hobbs

There are so many wonderful scenes...but my favorite has Jimmy Stewart doing some non-verbal comedy while out birding on an empty stomach at 4:30 in the morning with a man he is supposed to impress so his unemployed Son-in-law can get a job!!!! Hilarious.

"You haven't done much walking have you?" "Only since I was about two."-Mr. Hobbs

I also loved the book discussions with the busty neighbor...both Tolstoy's War and Peace and Herman Melville's Moby Dick! And the discussion of Sherlock Holmes vs the real favorite Nero Wolfe...lots of commentary to unpack there for any book lover!

If you are looking for a funny and fun-loving summer vacation film, this might be for you. I highly recommend this light comedy.
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