Post Dallas
30 April 2022
What about Chateauvallon? I owe myself to some restraint, since the cast has more or less disappeared over time. This series was intended as a response to Dallas, then a reference in the genre. But there is still some inconsistency: How can a provincial newspaper like "la dépêche" become a newspaper of opinion? The double historical periodicity: the action takes place at the end of the Giscardien seven-year period, but uses cars whose vintage starts from the beginning of the 1980s. The Kovalic mentality isn't even medieval anymore at this level.

The role of Florence Berg: lawyer/entrepreneur would have been consistent ten years later: cf Dana Scully in XFiles, cf Ivanova in Babylon 5. But with the French mentality of the time, the beginnings of the idea, but abandoned along the way. It's a badly born, badly budgeted series, one season two; if it had been turned, would have served it.

In 2022 remains a testimony of France from the 1970s/1980s.
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