It Feels Like Reagan Is In The White House...
27 May 2022
Oh that 80's nostalgia! Back when we had an old man in the White House and the Russians were global bullies threatening to nuke their enemies. The more things change....

Is this Academy Award material? Of course not. Is it really fun? Very much so! The first movie worked so well they basically made it again - which was fine by me. Aircraft carrier B roll, some hard-a** admirals stuck relying on Maverick, 80's tunes, amazing flying sequences and an evil empire to confront. Toss in bad guys that look like Darth Vader in superior jets with a Death Star trench run, and what's not to love?

This movie was made to be seen in a theater and for the audience that enjoyed the original. It worked on me. Now I'm going to do something I haven't done since I was a kid... go see this movie in the theater a second time.
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