Law & Order: Special Victims Unit: Behave (2010)
Season 12, Episode 3
Hard hitting
30 May 2022
Have been doing a lot of rewatching over-time of the three big shows in the 'Law and Order' franchise, especially of the most regularly aired 'Special Victims Unit' (the longest running and the only one still running, though it has not been the same for a while). "Behave" was a standout episode on first watch, especially for Jennifer Love Hewitt and the powerful storytelling, and definitely one not forgotten for a long time after.

Numerous re-watches since, "Behave" is still a standout. As of now, it is the highest rated episode of Season 12, and that is richly deserved (only "Locum" and "Totem" of the season are on the same level). Also one of the highest rated 'Special Victims Unit' episodes, again absolutely deserved. "Behave" is one of few mind-blowingly outstanding Season 12 episodes and one of the top 10 best episodes of the Seasons 7-12 (when the show became a lot less consistent) period. If you found the synopsis odd when reading, don't be put off as that is not something that this episode is.

Finding a starting point to listing out everything that "Behave" executes greatly (which is everything and actually pretty phenomenally), a good one would be the the performance of Hewitt. Which is nothing short of amazing, a moving and gut wrenching turn that sees her at her very best and one would not think looking at some of her other performances that she was capable of this quality of acting. Of all the Season 12 guest stars (and there were many solid ones), she ties with Jeremy Irons as my favourite. The perpetrator is also chillingly smarmy and the regulars are all great.

The teamwork is great, cohesive, hard boiled and sympathetic with an equal goal. There are some satisfying moments, my favourite being Olivia's priceless owning of the perpetrator. Hewitt's character is completely rootable and was on her side all the way, while the perpetrator is one sinister creep. The story is a tense and edge of the seat one, with enough twists to satisfy without being strange or confused. Appreciated too that it was all about the case and the victim, and that unprofessionalism and personal life dramas were not a distraction, also that the subject of untested rape kits was handled uncompromisingly but also sensitively.

It's well made, intimately photographed and slick with no signs of under-budget or anything. The music didn't sound melodramatic or too constant and the direction is accomodating while still having pulse. The writing doesn't ramble, although as usual there is a lot of dialogue to digest, and really provokes thought, disturbs and brings a lump to the throat.

Overall, fantastic. 10/10.
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